Secure Seal Tester

The Secure seal tester allows you to test thread and seal integrity on your glass or plastic beverage containers. The pet bottle seal tester has been designed to address the special needs sealing beverage containers that use various seals, such as twist crown, plastic caps, by detecting gas leakage rather than liquid the secure seal tester gives more sensitive, accurate readings.

Product Details

Display: Analog Gauge.

Power: 220 V, Single phase, 50 Hz

Inner Diameter of testing container : 300mm

Powder coated

SECURE SEAL TESTER a beverage container’s quality is established from how well it can maintain and preserve the quality of product stored inside the container. The seal integrity of the bottle cap or bottle thread ensures that on liquid or compressed gas is leaked in the external

environment. Especially in the case of beverages with mixed and compressed gasses like carbon dioxide in soft drinks, the quality of the bottle cap seal plays a vital role. If a minute quantity of gas is leaked outside the container the beverage quality is disturbed and thus the brand reputation gets affected.

To assure that the seal quality is at its best one must check the seal performance is as per requirement before production. Secure seal tester is highly accurate and standard based quality

testing equipment that examines the seal quality of PET or GLASS bottles. It is built of strong material and power-coated delivering long run performance and does not fail in extreme working is absolutely fit to use in the production lines as well as in research labs . The machine has a well designed chamber to place specimen bottles. The height and width of the test chamber allow testing a wide variety of shapes and sizes of bottles.

  • Equipment Pressure Range : 0 to 12 Bar
  • Resolution: 0.5 bar
  • Input Medium: Compressed air
  • Measuring units: bar/ psi
  • Accuracy: ±2% of the entire range.
  • Can test a wide range of bottles with distinct shapes and size
  • Use friendly with easy-going features that can be handled by any
  • Sturdy-built machine with a life-long and high quality performance.

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